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My Services 

How I can Help You Excel in All You Do
  • Private One-on-One Coaching

  • Small Group Coaching

  • Workshops



Why Do You Need A Coach?

Let's borrow from "sports" for a minute.  I used to ice skate competitively starting at the age of 9 or 10.  I had private lessons with my coach to learn new skills, to change "habits", and to help me build more self-confidence.   Initially, we had to build strength in order to do the compulsory moves.  Soon, we started more creative things like learning footwork, and arm movements.   The point was, we were a team.

In mastering a jump,  my coach would first observed  the jump and ask me to do it again.   She would observe if my arms or shoulders were in a correct position.  Then, observe if my hips were moving together, if  the bend of my knee was proper,  was the trajectory angle when I jumped up and off the ice correct?  And finally, how did my landing look?

Many times, I didn't land my jumps. I 'd pull out of them or I'd fall.

She would help me correct my mistakes by  asking how it felt, and what did I notice before, during and after.

We would together, go through the jump in slow motion for me to understand and feel the better positioning - like where the shoulders should be, how the bent the knee needed to be, and where the arms needed to be.

Very quickly, I learned how I could be in better alignment for the jump, which allowed me to pull in faster and be balanced on the landing.

A business coach does much of the same for their clients.  A coach will be able to see many things you don't, in addition to helping you generate fresh ideas to help you propel yourself in a forward direction.

It all starts with developing your "muscle" whether it is in ice skating or your business.

How Do Coaches Help Their Clients?

  • Get clear about their goals.

  • Identify blind spots.

  • Be accountable.

  • Focus on their development efforts.

  • Focus on strengths, and

  • Evaluate weaknesses that need to be fixed vs. those that can be delegated

  • Gain a competitive advantage focusing on strengths and leveraging them

  • Acquire leadership skills

  • Increase engagement at work*


A recent Gallup Study revealed that 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. Yet, coaching correlates with increased employee engagement; 65% of employees from companies with strong coaching cultures rated themselves as highly engaged.

  • Feel happier because they are more aligned with their values, interests, strengths and needs

  • Outside perspective

  • Business challenger


What is the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy?

  • Coaching is present and future based

  • Therapy resides in the past

  • People are far more comfortable admitting they are going to a coach  

  • Therapy is tainted with a stigma of “What’s wrong with you.”

  • Coaching is based on a Positive Psychology Wellness Model

  • Therapy is based on a Medical Model that deals with sickness

  • Coaching builds.  Therapy repairs


What is the Difference Between Coaching and Mentoring?

  • Coaching is client centered, focusing on the wants and needs of the Client

  • Mentoring is Mentor-based, focusing on the learning of the Mentor to ”share” the Mentors experiences in order to “spare” the Mentee the hardships suffered on the Mentor’s path*

  • An effective coach follows the lead of their clients and assists on the way

  • Mentors are more likely to tell Mentees what to avoid and do
    -Not surprisingly, because of this, most Corporate Mentor programs have failed dismally
    -A mentor who has not been trained as a coach is less likely to help their mentees achieve their stated goals

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